Major Projects - Cranera Web, CG/FMV Animation


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      Well, professionals do it and get paid good for it, but we are going to do it for the heck of it :).  CG (Computer Graphics)/FMV (Full Motion Video) is used in one way: entertainment.  If you have played any Final Fantasy games above 7 (maybe 6 too) and/or watched any Pixar films (Toy Story, Ice Age, ect.) then you have most definitely seen CG animation.  This is taught at colleges that deal with art and animation.....not really an in your bedroom thing.....well we are going to make it one.  If you are seeking a project that deals with the calculators, you are most definitely in the wrong spot, for now.  We, at DragonEye Software are going to go out and research this subject and bring it back to the home folks as a second hobby.  This is definitely a project any computer game designer or want-to-be-game-designer-someday or maybe just a person wanting to make small animated videos should join.

DragonEye Software, Cranera Networks, and all of their content is copyright Travis Duncan.  If you wish to use content from this site, please email me (just to be legal).  Any off-site content is noted and is copyrights of their respective owners.